A Weapon of Pleasure

Season 5, Episode 10

Jennifer recaps the next-to-last episode of her retelling of Jackie Collins' hit novel, Chances.

Jen gets into a fight with a bamboo plant and leaves the battle with a face cut that would make Gino Santangelo jealous. Dana goes to Albuquerque and discovers that everyone is high. The girls wonder how hard it is to apply for a job with the Mafia and whether mafia families do team-building exercises such as trust falls.


Recommended reading


"Runaway Summer (Polwenna Bay #1)" by Ruth Saberton


"A Time for Living (Polwenna Bay #2)" by Ruth Saberton


"The Bookstore Sisters" by Alice Hoffman


A Moment of Silence for the Ripped Halston Dress


He Got The Concrete Slippers