Handjobs Under the Table?

Season 9, Episode 4

Jennifer entertains the masses with Chapters 18-27 of Jackie Collins' cult classic, Lady Boss! Slapfighting is now legal in Texas and the girls are so confused. Listeners can revel in the first Jackie Collins dinner party of Season 9 - hand jobs under the table, everyone? Meanwhile, the gals discuss the etiquette surrounding screaming obscenities and storming out of a dinner party, while having to navigate awkwardly standing at valet with the person you screamed at.


Recommended reading

Dana: "Mrs. Kimble" by Jennifer Haigh

Jen: "Clown in a Cornfield #1" by Adam Cesare


“Fourth Wing” (Empyrean Series) by Rebecca Yaros


“Iron Flame” (Empyrean Series) by Rebecca Yaros


Salmon Mousse